Friday, June 09, 2006

Like a turtle...

Jimmy got stuck today...

Since the fish tank is gone, Jimmy's room is now a safe place for him to play. there are no exposed outlets, cords are tucked away or anything heavy on the bookshelves within pulling down reach...
I feel O.K. with him playing in there, and let him play semi-unsupervised. He generally comes out into the living room every 15 minutes or so or I will go in and peek at him playing quietly and happily with his toys...

Every so often there is a holler, generally from him bumping into something or getting frustrated with a toy.
Today there was an all out "Mommy come help me" type of holler...

I rushed in, and rushed right back out to get the camera... This is what I found in his room

Here's a closer look!

I'm sure he felt like this....

But once I started taking pictures he stared hamming it up and got laughing!

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