Thursday, June 08, 2006

If you are what you eat...

Jimmy would be good on ramen...
Here he is at our favorite ramen place chowing down on bean sprouts and fish cake... yummy yummy fish cake! He is really good about eating new things when we are out and about!

I wish I could get him to eat new things this easily at home!!!

He is chugging along at trying new foods here and there; he had a quesadilla a few nights ago. That is a good thing, since he seems to be starting up on a jar food strike again...

Today Jimmy also started to figure out that putting his face in the water without holding his breath is probably not a good idea...
We have been trying to teach Jimmy this for a while, mostly by just keeping his head above water for him. It is hard to do out in the open water where a wave can just come up and dip his face unexpectedly while he is concentrating on his splashing...
Today we went to the toddler pool on base and I just let Jimmy put his face in without stopping him... He got one good snoot-full of water (I figure pool water is a bit better than ocean water) and he kinda freaked out, but after that he only did two small nose dips for the rest of the afternoon!
We had a grand old time splashing around for most of the afternoon and then watching all the way too big for the toddler pool (grumble grumble) kids splash around during the adult swim.

I think tommorow we will venture out to explore the big park that has swings! Yea!

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