Tuesday, September 26, 2006


It's good to be home!

Here it is!
Our little blue house!
The neighborhood is very quiet and the neighbors have already invited us over for dinner!
There are other little kids down the street we have also found out!

Here is the view from the deck into the back yard! We have a great big curly willow and a small but prolific apple tree. Also the back of the house from the yard.
The windows underneath the deck is the fem den / guest quarters. You get in through that door you can see, it's not connected to the house inside at all.

Along one of the long sides and back of the yard are blackberry bushes!

From which we have already made a couple of these!


Here's Patty! She was excited to see us move in, but I get the feeling that being a lab, she's excited about everything!

The sliding glass doors in the kitchen are a favorite spot for the cat to sit and watch me cook and clean up, or just to lie in the sun or to watch....

The birds at the feeder!

Grampa Barry and Grandma Ruth came for a quick visit to welcome us to the time zone and to bring Jimmy a belated birthday present!

We spent the afternoon unpacking and decided to venture over the sound to IKEA!

Grandpa, Seattle is THAT WAY!

You can just barely make out the Seattle skyline!

We had a successful but exhausting trip to IKEA. We got a nook for our computer and a small table and chairs for Jimmy. He help us put them together. He's so smart, he might be Swedish!

Here's the last shot for today..
Jimmy enjoying an apple off our tree with his breakfast sitting at his table!

There's more news, but not very pressing and it can wait for later!
You also won't get to see the inside of the house until I'm done with it!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

That was then...

OK! For all of you that have been missing your Jimmy pictures... here is what we did on the prairie at grandma camp!

We took looooong drives in the car! One trip we went to Helena for Great-grandma Rose's 90th birthday!

We had cake and ice cream at the party!

We rode the carousel while we were in Helena, and absolutely hated it. This picture was taken before the carousel and the screaming started. Note the look of trepidation...

We rediscovered how fun it is to be cool wearing sunglasses!

Jimmy fed the horses their apple and oat cookies...

Sometimes the horse came a little too close a little too fast, surprising Jimmy!

Jimmy tasted the horse cookies...

The horses tasted Jimmy!

Jimmy picked tomatoes off grandma's dead plant...
They were fun for him to pop in his mouth, but didn't taste very good!


The dogs both really enjoyed having Jimmy around. Especially at mealtimes!
They both gained weight during our stay and were sad to see us go...

In fact...

Schnapps wanted go come with us!

That is the highlights of our stay on the prairie...
next up...Our new house!!!
Hello all!
We have arrived in our new house and the unpacking is underway!
Coming soon...
What we did and what Jimmy ate while we were gone
Our new house!
Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

please stand by...

Hello everyone! Today is the last day we will be in Montana! Tomorrow we fly to our new house in Washington!
Jeff is excited and so are Jimmy and I! Grandma and Grandpa aren't nearly as excited as we are though!
I will post more pictures from our stay on the prairie and our new house most lkely on Sunday!
Thanks for hanging in there!