Saturday, April 24, 2010

Long time no post!

Aloha All!

Sorry to have fallen off of the blogging bandwagon, but we have been semi-busy around here...

First and foremost.... yea for Mama! almost 1/3 of the way to the goal!

For anyone that may have forgotten,

this is Jimmy

And this is Joey.

They are brothers and starting to get along... sometimes.

They now share a room with bunk beds. It is not uncommon to find them in the morning in a different bunk from the one you tucked them into the night before...
They both like to sit on the top and read together...

Before the bunk beds could come in, the boys needed a better closet arrangement for all their clothes and toys.
The first step was to empty the closet out. The boys liked this part the most.

Then we put up new shelves and started organizing. Mama liked this part the best...

Here is how it looks with almost everything put away.

We have had many adventures lately, as well.
Very tiring adventures.

But some days we just stay home and color.

Sometimes the boys get out of bed while Mama is in the shower after her morning workout...
sometimes they help themselves to only their favorite pieces for breakfast...

Not that I would point fingers or anything...

On one adventure we were able to watch as Hawaiian Monk Seals came up onto the beach for the night! This was very exciting as these animals are endangered and fairly rare!

We played tourist for a few days, too...

Shared some tropical drinks...

Listened to stories...

Watched dolphins swimming with Mama.

Mostly we are just gearing up for the big deployment and Kindergarten!
Before then we have boy turning 5 (!!! mah baybeeeee!) and having a Safari Party at the zoo!

Until we see you again we hope you all find time to splash in a puddle!