Monday, February 15, 2010

52 Weeks of Awesome - Week 7

This week held little activity, but I got a few surprises on the camera when it was time to download this week's pictures!

Joey tried to take a self portrait at some point this week...

As did Jimmy...

This weeks mark one year that we have been homeowners! Yahoo!
We celebrated by changing all the batteries in the smoke detectors, changing water and air filters, cleaning out and washing the inside of the refrigerator, tossing everything past the expiration date (food, meds, toiletries...) and making an appointment to get the carpets cleaned! Yea! Doesn't that sound like fun!

When it was time for a break we headed to the pool.

The boys love the pool and both are swimming around fairly well, if still floatie dependent!

I did get a very nice valentine...

Jimmy then asked for help making a new valentine. "I have a lot to say and can't write that small!" This was going to be mailed but has been lost to Joe-zilla... sorry Camas!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

52 weeks of awesome- week 6

Busy week as always!

Wore out just about everyone around here!

The Cats took a trip to the vet. One has a UTI but is feeling much better now.

Joey has a new trick! (he's not depressed...)

On really busy days, sometimes Joey doesn't quite make it all the way upstairs to go to bed...

The boys do plenty of work around the house, one of the weekly chores is to wipe down the cabinets.

On top of earning allowance, they are also rewarded with fun things like a day at the beach!

Which rewards Mama with two tired boys that don't complain about going to bed!

Sometimes Pneumonia gets to join us!

Frozen yogurt is the best way to wrap an awesome week!