We have arrived safely right around here...
I have some pictures from the seemed like forever time in the hotel but can't access them right now and will post them later. We moved into our house and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our household goods. (and Daddy!)
Until then, let's hit the beach!
Joey enjoyed his first trip to the beach. I am not brave enough to take them swimming at the same time until Daddy gets here, so just playing in the sand will have to do for now. The boys don't seem to mind, though!
Jimmy found me the tiniest shell.
We had a very distracted lunch at Zippy's...
Joey was distracted by a mob of zebra doves.
Jimmy was distracted by the rainbow bendy buses and
This very brave crested cardinal.
The boys were looking shaggy so I found a great place to take them for a trim.
All cleaned up and happy about the toy that Mama had absolutely no influence in picking. I just wish they fit a little better *ahem*.
So we bought a house...
Here is the kitchen. It's a large one butt kitchen, which is good because I have one large butt...
Here is the living room looking from the kitchen. And yes I bought and set up the tv the day we moved in, even before I got something to sit on... how's that for priorities.... (we must have Thomas for Mama's sanity...)
Looking from the living room into the dining room.
The boys have their own bathroom (yea!) and I found this very Lady M spout cover. Even better is that you put special tablets into his mouth and the water comes out different colors. The blue, green and orange baths were fun, the yellow one was just wrong and I still haven't been able to bring myself to do a red one. That's just a little too wrong...
Here's the master bedroom. Fancy, huh!
Joey's room...
Jimmy's room. Normally I would apologize for the stuff all over the floor, but we don't have our furniture yet, so no beds, no dressers..... aaaugh!
I did buy furniture for down stairs. I plan on re-covering the couch as soon as I get my sewing machine back, and also still need to get a rug.
Dining set with the leaf in, I took it out and it looks better round. The wood for the top was cut on the diagonal and assembled so that the grain lines look like a flower, with the leaf in the pattern was interrupted and not as clear.
I am happy to have a place to sit and eat.
I think the boys are, too.
So we are happy and well, and getting the house painted.
I hope the rest of our stuff will be here this coming week and I can have it all unpacked before Daddy gets here at the end of March...
I may not post for a while, the camera and laptop don't talk to each other and I have to burn everything onto a cd to post it (which is a PITA!) so I might not be doing that soon!